Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 6

A new sprinkler made tending the garden a bit quicker, and also made life a bit more fun at home.

The dirty dishes are really piling up! Eyana still hasn't made enough to buy a sink or a dishwasher though.

At the pool after her daily shower, Eyana meets Bebe Hart and has a short chat. Not many people like talking about gardens, but from her social mistakes and other experiences, Eyana has learned how to become more observant of the people around her. (Acquired the Observant reward)

Fishing at the park! Eyana is not too keen on the whole fishing thing, but it's the only way to make some extra money without having to dedicate a lot of time to a job. Another plus is that she is able to use the fish as fertilizer.

Eyana meets Christopher Steel while fishing at the park.

Go to Day 7


  1. Hehe!

    If she licked the plates clean, she probably would have made up a full meal from it.

    I like to day-by-day approach.

    I'm no where near studious enough to be taking notes while I play though.


  2. I first started by just taking notes and screenshots and waiting until later to post them. That was a mistake since the first time I did it there was enough stuff that it actually took a bit over an hour to wait for everything to upload and post them all. Now I just post while I'm playing and that seems to work better.
